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365 Days in Horse Country - The Equine First Aid Kit

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | April 25th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – The Equine First Aid Kit

You never know when your horse may injure itself.  Horses are large animals that seem to easily hurt themselves, especially when kept in small confines.  For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep an equine first-aid kit at the ready, both in the stable and when you are traveling with your horse.  This kit can come in very useful while you are awaiting your veterinarian’s arrival.

You can buy a preassembled first-aid kit from your local equine supply store, or you can make your own.  If you should decide to assemble your own kit, you should include the following items as a bare minimum;

  • Antibiotic ointment to prevent infection
  • Antiseptic cleanser for disinfecting wounds
  • Equine veterinary bandages for wrapping
  • Gauze pads to cover wounds
  • A knife with a serrated edge for cutting rope
  • Rectal thermometer to take your horse’s temperature
  • Lubricant for inserting the thermometer
  • Rubbing alcohol to disinfect the thermometer
  • Scissors to cut bandages
  • Tweezers to remove splinters

Keep all these items in a reclosable plastic container in close proximity to where you keep your horses.  Have your veterinarian’s phone number on hand too.

