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365 Days in Horse Country – Backing in Hand

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | August 26th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – Backing in Hand

If you ride regularly, you probably practice backing up your horse, especially if you are a Western rider.  But how much do you practice backing your horse in hand?

Start by putting your horse in a halter and lead rope.  Find a place where you have a lot of room to maneuver.  Ask your horse to back up by facing him, standing slightly to the side.  Apply pressure on the lead rope until your horse drops his nose down.  Release the pressure on the rope the moment your horse tucks his chin.

Ask him again by applying pressure to the lead rope once more, waiting until he tucks his chin and shifts his weight backward before you release the pressure.  Do it again, keeping the pressure until your horse takes a step backward.  Reward him by releasing the pressure, then repeat, asking him to take two steps back.  Continue until your horse is backing up several steps.  Praise him and tell him what a good horse he is!

